Author: sOhKM3EV2h

Academic Labs

Well-designed software is more reliable, easier to maintain, and more reusable. Tailoring hardware to the task can save money and improve results. Broad experience of professionals can be a valuable source of ideas for current and future projects.   Academic labs may often have a person with rudimentary programming skills that can get experiments running.…

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LabVIEW and cRIO Versus PLC’s for Real-Time Control

  • cRIO provides real-time monitoring and control.  • LabVIEW / cRIO replaces PLCs  • Advantages of LabVIEW and cRIO.   Compact Reconfigurable Input / Output (cRIO) systems from National Instruments (NI), when combined with LabVIEW, can provide the reliable, real-time control often needed (typically for safety reasons).  A simple example may be shutting down…

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Technology Transfer and LabVIEW

• Technology needs to be transferred to commercial use • LabVIEW accelerates technology transfer • A broad-based engineering firm can use LabVIEW to transfer technology rapidly Basic research in university and government labs have traditionally been the cornerstone of scientific advancement. The National Institutes of Health alone spends over $30 billion each year to fund…

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LabVIEW Consultant

You believe you need a LabVIEW Specialist. Contracting a LabVIEW Consultant is a good option to a permanent hire. However, in almost all cases, a Systems Engineer is virtually always better.   LabVIEW is a powerful tool, but as with all powerful tools, there is tremendous depth to it, requiring lots of study and experience…

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Myths About LabVIEW Programming

I started using LabVIEW in 1992.  Since then, I’ve developed literally hundreds of systems in LabVIEW.  I’ve also had ample opportunities to discuss LabVIEW with many people, and I’ve come across several myths about this incredible tool.  It’s time to set the record straight on at least some of these. Myth 1:  LabVIEW is not…

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Don’t Settle For Just a LabVIEW Programmer

You need a LabVIEW program, so it’s logical you are looking for a LabVIEW Programmer.  But, is that really enough?  Let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture.  LabVIEW is an awesome environment for development of automated systems for test, measurement, and control.  But it’s much more than just a programming language.…

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