Month: July 2019

LabVIEW and cRIO Versus PLC’s for Real-Time Control

  • cRIO provides real-time monitoring and control.  • LabVIEW / cRIO replaces PLCs  • Advantages of LabVIEW and cRIO.   Compact Reconfigurable Input / Output (cRIO) systems from National Instruments (NI), when combined with LabVIEW, can provide the reliable, real-time control often needed (typically for safety reasons).  A simple example may be shutting down…

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Technology Transfer and LabVIEW

• Technology needs to be transferred to commercial use • LabVIEW accelerates technology transfer • A broad-based engineering firm can use LabVIEW to transfer technology rapidly Basic research in university and government labs have traditionally been the cornerstone of scientific advancement. The National Institutes of Health alone spends over $30 billion each year to fund…

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